Saturday, November 27, 2010

Making a difference...

I have been considering the people who have made a differnce in my life - those who have impacted me in a way that has made a lasting impression.
Having procreated in a fairly extreem manner over so many years,I sometimes feel that I am living ground hog day! Its easy to take for granted the things I do - particularly for my younger 2 kids - now 10 and 8.
Its little things that make a huge impact in kids lives - a hug when they least expect it, an affirmation,being in the moment with them...
My lovely Nanna did this for me. She may not have achieved huge things in the worlds eyes, but she knew that the little things in a  kids life were important. She made time for me and I knew without a doubt that she loved me unconditionally.
During my childhood she was the only person who provided that kind of love for me..I  beleive that without her influence I would not be who I am today. Thanks Nanna. I love you and still miss you so much,
I hope all my kids know that I love them unconditionally.
I hope that I can continue to learn about mindfulness and not overlook the little things that have a big impact in others lives.